The Pasadena Playhouse has seen its share of ups and downs, which is often times the journey of a non-profit organization. The Playhouse was scheduled to be shut down not too long ago due to dwindling donations, and outstanding financial burden. 90 years of California theater history to be locked away, and stored into mere memories for the ages. However, as happy endings do exist The powers that be were able to turn the tide for the Playhouse, and it was able to remain on its feet.
During this time I was taking a photography class and our assignment was to photograph a place with significant meaning to us; a place that evoked a spiritual connection. Since I still consider acting my longest standing passion, the mistress to all others, my mind immediately raced to Theater! I thought of the Playhouse knowing that it had just revived itself. I contacted Sheldon Epps, the artistic director of the Playhouse and humbly made my request to photograph its interior. He allowed me to do so. I walked in one afternoon and was let into the theater by an elderly female volunteer (most likely one of the foot soldiers who helped with the Playhouse's rally). I was in awe, as I was in there all alone. The theater was warm, inviting and calling to me my whole shoot. Here are some shots from that awesome day.
The Theater is the only institution in the world which has been dying for four thousand years and has never succumbed. It requires tough and devoted people to keep it alive - John Steinbeck